As a school, we value: respect, responsibility, kindness, safe. We are in the second year of implementation of Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) at Ballam Park Primary. Our classes have timetabled lessons that teach our whole school behaviour matrix.

Student Wellbeing is at the centre of all our actions and interactions at Ballam Park Primary School: teacher-child; teacher-parent; teacher-teacher; child to child. There are many elements to wellbeing, some dependent on the age and year level of the child; others dependent on the family circumstances.

Ballam Park Primary School commenced involvement in the State-wide Positive Behaviours in Schools project. Our Welfare team are using our agreed school values with the new Strategic Plan:
BE YOUR BEST: Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Respectful & Be Ready to Learn to develop a matrix of expected behaviours in all places around the school.