In the Junior School, we aim to develop all students’ abilities to thrive in our school and the community.


The explicit learning and teaching of Literacy for all students in Foundation to Year Two takes place in daily 2-hour blocks. Students are engaged in daily phonological and phonemic awareness activities, using the Little Learners Love Literacy (LLLL) program. Each LLLL session is carefully structured to teach the 44 letter sounds and how we blend sounds to read and spell. Decoding and phonological awareness are crucial skills for early reading and spelling success. Cued articulation is taught to Foundation students as they master the sounds taught. Spelling and reading are taught at the same time in our classrooms, with students being taught to spell (encode) words using the same grapheme/phoneme knowledge that they have learnt during reading sessions. Our students read decodable books to practise the sound-spelling relationships and use the decoding skills they have been taught during phonics lessons. To continue to practise the skills taught, the students are encouraged to read at home daily, borrowing decodable books from school.

Our students are explicitly taught a variety of writing styles throughout their time in the Junior School. Foundation students begin with simple recounts and as they progress through the year and into Year One and Year Two they build up to writing retells, narratives, reports and procedural pieces. They are also encouraged to write at home, using their Writer’s Notebook, and are given the opportunity to share this writing with their class.


The explicit learning and teaching of Numeracy takes place in daily 1-hour blocks. Mathematical concepts are introduced and modelled for students and hands on activities are undertaken to develop their knowledge and skills. Students are taught several mathematical games that provide them with the opportunity to practise maths skills in a fun way, also developing their cooperation and turn-taking.


Each term students investigate a different Inquiry topic. During these sessions, they are given the opportunity to explore a new topic and undertake activities that extend their general knowledge and vocabulary. The topics covered come under the headings Community, Identity, Sustainability, Change, Social Justice, Discovery, Creativity and Connections.


The Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) and the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) program, along with our school values form the basis of our Well-being program. The school values of respect, responsible, safe and kind are discussed and displayed in every classroom. Certificates are awarded to children who display these values. Role plays, circle times and hands-on activities allow students to develop their ability to look after themselves and others.


Play based learning is a part of the Junior School program. During sessions in the JET room students are given opportunities to develop skills, such as setting a table, reading a thermometer and dealing with play money. Through imaginative play they practise cooperation and turn-taking and extend their vocabulary. While much of the explicit teaching of literacy and numeracy occurs during our LLLL and maths sessions, it is strengthened, made specific and extended in the JET room.


As well as their sport lesson, Foundation students participate in a weekly Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) session to develop balance, throwing, catching and other motor skills. The Year Ones and Twos have an extra sport session each week that includes a variety of activities where students can develop their motor skills.