Peita Cooper – Acting Principal
A message from our Acting Principal, Peita Cooper
It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself to the Ballam Park community. I have worked for many years in a variety of schools and roles and am deeply passionate about educating the young people of today. Every child deserves to learn; every child deserves a chance to succeed.
I lead my staff and students with commitment, enthusiasm and support to ensure we are working together as a team. Building relationships is a strong priority as this leads to great outcomes – with staff, students and the school community. Our students are supported in consistent, collaborative environments where personalised needs are catered for.
Ballam Park offers range of programs and initiatives that support our students every day. Little Learners Love Literacy, SMART Spelling, Nessy, Top Ten Maths, Mappen; all these programs support the academic growth of our students.
School Wide Positive Behaviour, Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships are Department initiatives that Ballam Park has at its core. We are proud to have a strong partnership with the Berry Street Education Model to ensure our students’ emotional and social wellbeing is being catered for.
As a school, we value: respect, responsibility, kindness and being safe. We recognise our students’ growth in these four areas and promote these values in every day school-life. Marley, our school dog (a gorgeous Groodle!) has added that extra-special element that supports our students wellbeing.
We invite you to come and see what a special place Ballam Park is. The classroom, the variety of playgrounds and gardens and the polite, happy atmosphere all make this school the place to be.