Studies have shown that it is important for children to read and listen to stories as it helps to stimulate their imagination and it expands their understanding of the world around them. It also assists them in further developing their language, listening skills and aid their cognitive development. Therefore, here at Ballam Park Primary School students attend a library session weekly with their classroom teacher. 

During library sessions, students will listen to a range of Fiction and Non-Fiction books which will entertain and link into the learning in the classroom. Along with listening to books students will complete an activity whether it be craft linked to the book which they listened to or learn about the properties of fiction and nonfiction. Students will also learn what makes a fiction book and what makes a nonfiction book. They will also learn about how to use a library to assist them for the students. 

Each session students will be given the opportunity to borrow books to take home and to class as we encourage our students to read each night to expand their word vocabulary, stimulate their creativity and help improve their writing skills.